Email Automation Mapping

Are You Taking Every Opportunity To Connect and Nurture Your Leads?Email Automation Mapping

This Workshop takes you thru the journey of how to strategically map out your email automation.  

Your Investment Is......

Are Feeling Like...

  • You don't know where to start

  • You don't have an email sequence in place

  • The thought of building an email sequence makes your


This Training is For YOU!

You Have Clients Depending On You

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Email Automation Mapping Workshop

    • Video Tutorial

    • Trello Email Automation List

Who's Teaching???

Online Business Strategist

Paula Marie | EbonyBizDiva

Paula Marie is a serial entrepreneur. She has always created businesses based on her passions. All while moving up the ranks as a Manager and Coordinator for Commercial, Corporate and Government entities. For the past 20 years, Paula Marie has hired and managed thousands on her team. Creating programs that require dedicated marketing and strategic mapping that generates revenue. Paula Marie aka EbonyBizDiva, has been an entrepreneur for over 25 years. When it comes to the frustration, anxiety and rewards of owning your your business and brand, she's been there. Her strengths are listening to a clients goals and struggles and mapping out clear, concise actionable items that will implement systems and strategies to generate revenue, eliminate stress and create a greater work ~ life balance.